Course Curriculum

    1. Session 1 Introduction

    2. Leadership Essentials: Leading at Every Level Introduction

    1. Session 2 Introduction

    2. Leadership Levels and Characteristics

    3. Session 2: Leadership Characteristics Quiz

    1. Session 3 Introduction

    2. Authentic and Effective Leadership

    3. Session 3: Authentic and Effective Leadership Quiz

    1. Session 4 Introduction

    2. The Four Leadership Styles

    3. Session 4: The Four Leadership Styles Quiz

    1. Session 5 Introduction

    2. The Five Practice and 10 Commitments of Leadership

    3. Session 5: The Five Practices and 10 Commitments of Leadership Quiz

    1. Session 6 Introduction

    2. Leadership Essentials Review

    3. Leadership Essentials: Leading at Every Level Survey

Course Details

  • $750.00
  • 17 lessons
  • Upon completion of this training, aspiring and current leaders will be able to implement effective leadership practices, based on their personal leadership level and style, to improve their leadership capacity in the workplace.
  • 2 hours
  • Non-supervisory employees, Supervisors, Managers, and Executives.